Saturday, August 11, 2012

Nintendo Phone

I just found out that back in 2006 Nintendo filed a patent for their own cellphone. They partnered up with Nokia to make it but it ended up getting rejected. It doesn't say what the name of it was from the looks of it all it could play were 8 bit games. Also the buttons for game playing don't look much different from the game boy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Atari Mindlink

Back in 1983 Atari was working on a controller that could read your mind called the Atari Mindlink. It was a headband you had to wear with a couple sensors on it. Unfortunately it never worked the way it was supposed to. It wasn't actually designed to read your mind, instead the sensors would read the movement of your eyebrows. It never made it to getting sold in stores because people got headaches from trying to move their eyebrows the correct way.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


2 years ago I posted about Tamatebako ( a flash drive that deletes everything if the wrong password is typed) and now I've found a usb drive that lets you use it by saying the password out loud. Hopefully you aren't in a public place if you ever have to use this. You can buy one here:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Project Glass

A while ago Google announced Google HUD and now they've actually released a new video about it but instead of being called Google HUD it's now called Project Glass. From the looks of it they are glasses that can do the same thing as a 3G iPad or an iphone. You can send messages to your friends, it has gps and internet. Right now they're a few people testing out the prototypes so you might see some people wearing these where you live.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Solar Charging iPad Case

If you're one of the people that thinks an ipad with a 10 hour battery life isn't good than you'll want this. It's an ipad case that charges the ipad with solar power. It works with either ipad 2 or 3 and you can use the ipad up to 10 days instead of 10 hours. The solar panel uses photovoltaic ink that converts both indoor and outdoor light into electricity to constantly charge your iPad. It also has a usb port for your smartphones, mp3 players, or a headset and it also has an HDMI output for an HDTV. You can buy one here:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bendable E-Reader

Next month LG will be releasing a bendable e-reader in Europe. It can bend up to 40 degrees. The display will be 0.7 millimeters thick and will also have a resolution of 1024x768. And it also can survive being dropped from 4.5 feet (Does that mean it breaks from 4.6 feet?). Unfortunately the press release doesn't say when they will release it over here.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Tongue Drive System

The Tongue Drive system was made at Georgia Tech. It allows people who are unable to use their hands to use a computer or a wheelchair. The user has to get their tongue pierced than it will be able to track what your tongue does through magnetic sensors in a retainer so it can replace the computer mouse or a joystick on a wheelchair. It used to have head mounted magnetic sensors but the headgear was uncomfortable and had to be recalibrated whenever it slipped.

Monday, February 20, 2012


A few months ago I showed the Cisco Iphone and now I found another product with the same name as one of apple's products. It's called the I.P.A.D. (Internet Personal Access Device). It was made by a Chinese company called Proview. Just like Apple's ipad it can go on the internet and download different apps. But unlike Apple's ipad it can play dvds and it's not portable. Proview produced 20,000 of these between 1998 and 2009. Proview is now bankrupt and is trying to get $2 billion from Apple over the rights of the ipad trademark.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kisai Optical Illusion LCD Watch

Once again I've found another strange watch. This is called the Kisai Optical Illusion LCD watch. It shows a whole bunch of wavy lines so you have to unfocus your eyes so you can see the hidden picture (aka what time it is). If you are unable to figure out what time it is, either look at a clock or another watch or touch the screen and they wavy lines will disappear revealing the image. You can buy one here:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Google HUD

For a few months now I've been having trouble finding stuff for this site. Most of the stuff I thought would be good to put up I found out was fake or didn't even exist yet. Today I finally found something that was good enough for this site. This is a prototype Google is working on called Google HUD. It's just a prototype, so I don't know if these will look different when it's finished or if it'll ever be released to the public. HUD stands for Heads Up Display. There are some buttons on the arms for different things. It might have it's own version of Android as an OS on the glasses. It won't be able to work with the Android phones. It'll be able to connect to the internet through bluetooth, wifi, or a phone's internet connection according to the site. It will have a camera for different apps or to take pictures. It has a microphone for voice input and output. To scroll and click on different websites and other lists it is said you will have to tilt your head. And it will only be able to display the screen in one eye.

Update: Google now says they will start selling these by the end of 2012.