Tuesday, August 9, 2011

SNES original designs

For those of you that don't know, I collect Nintendo Power magazines. The issue for this month just came out and it showed some old designs for the SNES. I can't find anything on why these were rejected but I think it might be because they weren't top loaders. The only information the picture gives me is that they were designed by somebody named Lance and they wanted to make it easy to use.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FireText Smoke Alarm

Today everybody except me is text messaging eachother. Now that smoke alarm that hardly ever gets used is doing it too. This is called the FireText Smoke Alarm. It can text up to 4 numbers at once. You can buy one here:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Aspire Ethos 8951G and 5951G

Later this month Acer is releasing two new laptops called the Aspire Ethos 8951G and the Aspire Ethos 5951G. Unlike any other laptop you will be able to remove the touch pad from these and use it as a media remote.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wii U

Nintendo just finished their E3 presentation and they showed the controller to the Wii's successor Wii U. Wii U will be released sometime next year. It will have motion capabilities just like the Wii but unlike the Wii if someone wants to watch tv and you want to play a game you can now do both. You can transfer the game to the controller. It can also be used as a video phone. It's been made to use HD unlike any other Nintendo console. And just like Nintendo DS the controller has a touch screen.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GoPoint GL1 iPhone Vehicle Diagnostic Kit

If you're car keeps having problems than you might want this. It's called the GoPoint GL1 iPhone Vehicle Diagnostic Kit. You connect a cable from your iphone to the car's On Board Diagnostics and it tells you what's wrong with your car. You can buy one here:

Friday, May 27, 2011


If you're always forgetting your cell phone than you might want this. It's called Bringrr. You plug this into your car's power port and it will turn blue if it can find your bluetooth enabled cell phone. If you don't have it or if it's turned off or dead it will beep and turn red. You can buy one here:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Room Tidying Pickup Robot

Years ago it was believed by the year 2000 we would have robots doing everything for us. I just found a robot that doesn't do everything but at least it cleans your room. This WALL-E lookalike robot moves around on wheels and picks up stuff with its hands and puts it onto a cargo bed and then it puts it where you tell it to put stuff. SO if you're smart enough you could tell it to put it right back where it was and keep your room a mess and not get blamed for it because technically you didn't mess up the room, the robot did. Or if you don't want the robot to automatically detect stuff it comes with a remote control so you can do everything yourself. It runs on six AA batteries and three AAA batteries. You can buy one here:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pantone Color Cue 2.1

If you're painting your house right now than you might want this. This is called the Pantone Color Cue 2.1. It scans colours and tells you the closest pantone colour that matches it so you know what to buy. Or if you're not painting your house it can also tell you the html code, rgb, etc. You can buy one here:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Supaboy Portable Pocket SNES Console

I have shown a few portable gaming consoles on here so here's another one. This is the Supaboy Portable Pocket SNES Console. You can play your old SNES games either with the buttons on the handheld or plug in a controller and use that instead. You can buy one here:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LED Binary Watch

Most people know Binary as a computer language. Now your watch can do it too. This watch uses 10 blue LED lights to tell you the time in Binary. You can buy one here:

I know yesterday I said some of the think geek stuff was fake so I checked this one and it is real.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I just found out some of the thinkgeek stuff I put up aren't real products but according to the site if you really want them to create some of the stuff you have to email them. I get most of the information from different gadget sites but for some reason not a lot of them actually click the buy now links so that the april fools page comes up. So if you want to complain that they aren't real than go to geeks.thedailywh.at or craziestgadgets. I will update the posts so you know which ones aren't real. Apparently the only one that I posted off of thinkgeek that wasn't real was the SnuzNLuz Clock. Other than that it should be okay to buy any of their stuff that I posted. If you find something else (other than snuznluz or the computer toaster) that isn't real, let me know in the comments below. You don't have to be a google member to post the comments.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Famicom 3D System

In two days the 3DS comes out so I thought I would post how Nintendo got started with 3D. This is called the Famicon 3D system. It came out in 1987. It was a pair of goggles that you attached to an adapter that made compatible games look 3D. Unfortunately a lot of people got motion sickness from it and it never got sold outside Japan.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I have shown a few different computer mice on here and now I've found one that you don't even have to move. This device that looks like a dog watches your hand and moves the arrow according to your hand gestures. You can buy one here:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

R2D2 XBOX 360 Projector

In 1977 hundreds of people watched R2D2 show Obi Wan Kenobi a message from Princess Leia in Star Wars. Now you can play video games with him. Mark Bongo is the creator of this. You can use the projector to play XBOX 360 games on a wall instead of a tv or if you don't want an XBOX 360 you can connect the Wii or PS3 to it instead. You can buy one here:


Geminoid DK

A while ago I showed Geminoid F the robot actress on here and now I have found Geminoid DK that is being used to to research emotional affordances in human-robot interaction. Unlike some of the robots I've seen, this one can simulate breathing, blinking and a few other things. And he's also the first robot I've seen that has facial hair and hasn't been made in Japan. He was made in Denmark. He's made to look like Henrik Scharfe of Alborg University in Denmark.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Elfoid is a humanoid cellphone that was made by people at Osaka University. It isn't for sale yet but they hope it will be within 5 years. This phone has a camera and a motion capture system inside so the head can make the same facial expressions as you. The buttons are inside it's chest and they glow green so you can see them.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


If you watched Jeopardy lastnight you might have noticed something odd. One of the people playing was a robot. A few years ago IBM started making a robot that would be able to play on Jeopardy. Unfortunately the robot is too big so you didn't get to actually see it on Jeopardy. All you got to see was it's avatar.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Television Remote Control Wristwatch

If you keep forgetting where you put the remote control than you might want this remote. Just enter in the three digit code for each device and it's ready to use. Or if you don't want it as a remote you can also use it as a digital watch. You can buy one here:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Target Alarm Clock

Some days when you get up you feel like you just want to shoot your clock. Well now you can. When the alarm clock goes off you have to get a bullseye on the target for it to stop. The gun doesn't actually fire anything it just makes noises. You can buy one here:

For those of you that didn't notice, it's been one year today since I started this blog.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dual Sided Remote

Later this year Samsung is releasing a new remote that has buttons on both sides. It will have the normal buttons on top and a QWERTY keyboard on the back. I don't think it's a good idea because you could accidentally hit a button on the back while holding it or if you set it down on the table.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sony has now announced the PSP 2 codenamed NGP (Next Generation Portable). Just like the Dsi it will have two cameras and a touch screen. Unlike the last PSP, this one will have two joysticks. This will be out sometime during the next winter holidays.

Emoticon Keypad

For years people have been using emoticons to tell people how they feel while chatting. Soon you'll be able to buy a keypad that has each emoticon on one button so you don't have to push multiple buttons to make them. It's only a concept so it isn't for sale yet and there's only one prototype of it right now. I think it looks more like a game of Boggle than a keyboard.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Blog

Today I set up a new blog that you can look at under My Other Sites. For a few months I've been learning ventriloquism so I decided to put up a few videos of it. Unfortunately youtube keeps having problems with my videos and keeps aborting the upload when I'm almost done. You can still read about the two characters I use though.

Libretto W100

The Libretto W100 is a netbook with two touchscreens. One for the monitor and one for the keyboard. It was released in August. It runs Windows 7 and costs 1065$. It was only sold for a limited time so I don't know if there's anywhere you can still buy this.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sega VR

Back in 1991 the Sega VR was announced as an add-on for Sega Genesis. Only one prototype was made and it was shown at a computer show in 1993. There are two different reasons why it was never released but I don't know what the real reason is. According to Sega the game testers kept injuring themselves by bumping into things. According to other people the testers got headaches and motion sickness. It is also said they were developing something like this for Sega Saturn but to this day it has never been seen and probably never will be.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New 3D electronics for 2011

One thing I really like is 3D movies and games and now a lot of new things have been announced to come out this year that will be in 3D but won't need 3D glasses. A lot of people already know about this but, in a few months Nintendo is releasing the 3DS which will let you play games in 3D without needing 3D glasses. It will have a depth slider on it also so you can change it from 2D to 3D if it hurts your eyes too much. Toshiba has a tv coming out that will use sheets of different angles over one another to give you the 3D effect and Toshiba is also releasing a 3D laptop computer this year.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Iphone Connected Blood Pressure Monitor

Soon we will be able to check our blood pressure without going to a doctor or Shoppers Drug Mart because Withings has now made a blood pressure monitor that you can connect to your iphone. I don't know how accurate it will be but when it comes out, the price will be $129. You can read more about it here:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Book of Light

This is a pop up book with an actual functioning lamp inside or something else that has light. It was made by Takeshi Ishiguro. You can buy one here:
